Ms Bryant

Welcome to our Class!

Welcome to the exciting world of Grade One! My name is Shelby Bryant and it is a pleasure to welcome your child into my classroom. I am so looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing with them!

As a classroom teacher, I am aware of the wide range of needs in my classroom. I will support and guide your child to become the best they can be! I believe that by creating a safe and fun learning environment, they will have the confidence to take the risks necessary to grow and develop their love of learning!

I believe that the partnership between home and school is so important in your child’s success.  Students will bring home their agendas each day with a message regarding what we learned or upcoming events (please initial every evening as it is checked at school each morning). I hope by reviewing the entries with your child, you will add to the conversations about their daily learning! I am also available via telephone (403) 932-9811 (following school hours) or email Please note I do not get to my emails during the school day.

To keep on top of what is happening in the classroom, every Friday you will receive an email that the students and I will compose about our week. I also have a private class Instagram account. Please search @miss_bryants_1s to follow the happenings in our class.


Parent Tips

A family atmosphere prevails at our school with the education of your child being a shared responsibility.  We encourage your interest in what your child does each day and welcome your involvement in the classroom, school council and at home.

  1. Please remind your child to practice their home reading on a regular basis.

  2. Please have your child go on our digital levelled reading program Raz Kids and share their reading with you.

  3. Check out the Learn Alberta website for learning activities to do at home.

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