Mrs. Taylor

Welcome to Grade 8!  My name is Mrs. Taylor and it is my pleasure to welcome your child into my classroom for a wonderful year of learning about Worldviews and how to effectively communicate through writing, reading, speaking and listening.  I will be teaching your child grade 8 Humanities, which consists of Language Arts and Social Studies.

Using the links above, you can access our daily agenda, student assignments and homework on Google Classroom. Students and parents are encouraged to check Power School on a regular basis for information regarding grades, comments about assignments and missed work. Each site can be bookmarked for easy access.

Students are expected to review what was learned in class each night and are encouraged to share what they are reading both at home and at school. Homework is not typically assigned unless there is a large project being worked on; however students who do not use class time efficiently will find that they will need to complete the learning activities at home in order to be prepared to understand the next class lesson.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns through email at or a phone call after school.

Ext. 3763

Parent Tips

A family atmosphere prevails at our school with the education of your child being a shared responsibility.  We encourage your interest in what your child does each day and welcome your involvement in the classroom, school council and at home. Check out the Learn Alberta website for learning activities to do at home.



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